Process Safety Management
Several PSM regulations (for example, OSHA PSM in the U.S., SEVESO SMS in Europe) and industry guidelines drive PSM practices. Our services are designed to help companies comply with these PSM regulatory requirements as well as established industry standards. We help ensure PSM fits seamlessly into our client's business models and operations, that PSM is embraced and becomes a real part of a company's culture, and that it is successfully implemented throughout the lifecycle of operations to lower risk. We do this by providing "best in class" PSM and process safety engineering (PSE) services to all of our clients.
Our experience, methodologies and expertise
Our large team of global PSM experts has a solid track record in developing and implementing sound PSM programs in the process industries. We provide PSM expertise to the chemical/petrochemical, off- and on-shore oil & gas, pharmaceutical, and food & beverage industries, as well as other industries that use Highly Hazardous Chemicals.
Our PSM consultants are process, chemical and safety engineers with a strong industry background complemented by in-depth expertise in process safety.
Through our global network, located in 12 offices worldwide, we offer and can tailor the following PSM services to your needs:
- Process Safety Management (PSM) Development, Implementation & Improvement
- PSM Auditing & Gap Identification
- PSM Training & Process Safety Culture
- Process Hazard Analysis (HAZOP, LOPA, HAZID, What-if, FMEA, BowTie, Fault Tree)
- Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), Consequence Modeling and Blast Effects
- Process Safety Information & Laboratory Testing
- Pre Start-Up Safety Reviews (PSSR)
- Permitting & Emergency Plans
- Major Hazards Safety Cases & SEVESO Compliance
- Technical & Organizational Prevention Measures
- Incident Investigation, Expert Witness & Litigation Support
Our PSM services are available in a wide variety of languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and Hindi.